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Our Challenge

As Stewart Brand said in the introduction to the Whole Earth Catalogs,

"If we are going to act like gods, we might as well get good at it."

And Biomimicry is one key, and in a sense, one of the legacy's of the Whole Earth movement. Like Buckminster Fuller's comprehensive antipatory design science, Biomimicry is (1) the exploration and understanding of nature, i.e., the environment, as the technology and economy of an exquisitely evolved and designed regenerative life support system (living machine) that has been tested and developed over 3.8 billion years of evolution (see-the time line of evolution) and then (2) applying those battle-hardened principles to all aspects of human activity--designing, creating, and managing of society, from industrial products, to urban and regional systems, to public policy, business, the economy, etc., i.e., Sustainability 2030 and the leading edge of the sustainability response.

Key Questions

Sustainability 2030's (S2030) research/practice program addresses the following key questions:

1. How can you/we become effective, powerful, even transformational forces for sustainability?

2. What is the program required for ultimate sustainability success--the end game?

3. Who has part of the answer now (current sustainability champions), how far do they take us, and how can we harness the state-of-the-art leading edge sustainability to an innovative research/practice program that gets us to ultimate success in the limited time remaining?  (more)


Advance, accelerate, and amplify an accurate understanding of the sustainability challenge and how to harness the power and potential of sustainability for an effective response before time runs out. The Strategic Sustainability2030 Institute  (S2030I) is a web-based think/do tank (more).



April 2013, Chicago, APA National Conference.

May 13-15, 2013, Seattle, Living Future unConference.

PAST (2012):

October 23-26, Portland, EcoDistrict Summit 2012.

July 31-Aug. 4, Portland, Ecosystem Services Conference.

May 2-4, Portland, The Living Future Unconference for deep green professionals.

June 15-18, Brazil, Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

International Society of Sustainability Professionals
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Our Challenge

as Buckminster Fuller observed, is

"to make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone."

This goal is the essence of sustainable development! The Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI) provides access to Bucky's legacy, including his comprehensive anticipatory design science revolution. Check out their website, their programs, and engage.

Problem & Way Out


Caption: "Sadly, the only proven way to achieve global GHG reductions so far has been economic recession." Comment: Fortunately, shifting to 100% renewables would catalyze the global transition to durable prosperity and community well-being in a way that would eliminate GHG production AND grow the economy <<continued>>. (See also: strategic sustainabilitynatural capitalismits four strategies, and RMI's Reinventing Fire [energy] Program.) 

APA Links

Green Urbanism - Formulating a series of holistic principles

Green Growth - Recent Developments (OECD)

Foundation Earth - Rethinking Society from the Ground Up

Reinventing Fire - A key transformational initiative of RMI worth knowing/watching.

A Quick-Start Guide to Strategic Sustainability Planning

NEW Report: Embedding sustainability into government culture.

New STARS LEED-like sustainable transportation tool for plans, projects, cities, corridors, regions.

Strategic Community Sustainability Planning workshop resources.

Leveraging Leading-Edge Sustainability report.

Winning or losing the future is our choice NOW!

How Possible is Sustainable Development, by Edward Jepson, PhD.

Legacy sustainability articles -- the Naphtali Knox collection.


TNS Transition to Global Sustainability Network

EcoDistricts -- NextGen Urban Sustainability

Darin Dinsmore: Community & Regional Sustainability Strategies and Planning

Sustainable Infrastructure: The Guide to Green Engineering and Design

APA-SCP (Sustainable Community Planning) Interest Group

Sustainability Learning Center

New path breaking Solutions Journal

Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development

Strategic Sustainability -- distance learning at BHT

Q4 Consulting - Mindfulness, Sustainability, and Leadership

RealClimate--Climate Science by Real Scientists

World Cafe--Designed Conversation for Group Intelligence

Real Change--Research Program for Global Sustainability Decision Making

RMI Conference, SF, 10-1/3-2009

Real Time Carbon Counter

Global Climate Change - Implications for US

Agenda for a Sustainable America 2009

ALIA Institute Sustainability Leadership

Frontiers in Ecological Economics

Herman Daly -- Failed Growth to Sustainable Steady State?

EOF - Macroeconomics and Ecological Sustainability

Gil Friend - Truth About Green Business

Sustainable Transpo SF

Google Earth-Day KMLs

AIA Sustainability 2030 Toolkit

Donella Meadows - Which Future?

Urban Mobility System wins Bucky Challenge 2009

Renewable Economy Cheaper than Systems Collapse

Population Growth-Earth Forum

Breakthrough Ideas-Bucky Challenge

Urban & Regional Planning-Cities at a Turning Point

John P. Holdren-Meeting the Climate Change Challenge

Stephen Cohen's Weekly Column in the New York Observer

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Elegant Pitstops Key to Multi-modal/Sustainable Transportation

Mark Kessler, architect and UC Davis Professor, will soon publish a book on the historical aspects of San Francisco's 1920s-era garages. On March 3-4, 2012, he exhibited a set of photographs of these garages at the Old Mint Building (5th & Mission). He gave a captivating lecture entitled "Elegant Pitstops--The Historicist Garages of San Francisco" in which he discussed the historical value of these buildings that are often invisible to the passerby. When combined with innovative land use-transportation policy, these historic resources could play an key, neighborhood-based, intermediate role in creating a fully funtional multi-modal and sustainable transportation system for 21st century San Francisco.

Over the past two years in response to a residential conversion project proposed for one of the elegant pitstops at 1945 Hyde Street, the Russian Hill Community Association (RHCA) developed a non-NIMBY argument for retaining these buildings in transportation use, in part based on Professor Kessler's research. The idea is to retain the transportation use on the sites, but evolved from 20th century neighborhood auto storage/repair to a 21st century neighborhood-level multi-modal transit center use required for a fully functioning multi-modal and sustainable transportation system.

Some slides of Professor Kessler's lecture follow below, along with further discussion of this innovative land use/transportation concept call Neighborhood Transit Centers (NTC). Further information can be found here, including additional links to Professor Kessler's research report, summaries of the NTC idea, a map of the existing garage locations, and a short KGO video.

The NTC Idea

While 90 percent of U.S. settlement patterns (cities, suburbs, and related agglomerations) are not dense enough to support a bus system, the view towards the future is increasingly focused on multi-modal transportation systems, often also using the adjective "sustainable."

Most concepts of multi-modal are really bi-modal (cars and busses) with a minor amount of incidental bike and pedestrian trips. Developed in full, multi-modal means seamless and immediate access to and use of the right transportation mode for the type of trip, whether it be a short walk to the corner store or a seven-mode link up from one's house to the airport to the business meeting or travel trip of an international destination. If the system is sustainable, well, let's just say for simplicity that no CO2 would be emitted from any of the trip modes.

Both multi-modal and sustainable transportation systems imply particular types of land use as well--sufficient diversity of land uses and 5+ minute pedestrian access to meeting the majority of daily needs, along with compact settlement patters of sufficient density to support the mass transit components. However, there is little discussion of the land use implications and requirements for a successful, fully-functioning multi-modal and sustainable transportation system. If the full set of modes (walk, bike, bus, light/heavy/high-speed train, airplane, taxi, private autos and bikes, carshare, bikeshare, electric and hydrogen vehicles) are to be available where and when they are needed, some intermediate, neighborhood-level storage/access points would be needed. Yet, what existing uses could be adapted and reserved for such neighborhood level use?

In the few dense U.S. cities, such as San Francisco, a collection of 1920's-era historicist neighborhood garages provide the perfect vehicle (pun intended) to transition an older 20th century auto-oriented parking transportation use to the new, 21st century neighborhood level access point for a multi-modal and sustainable transit/transportation system. As an added bonus, such an evolution of use would continue the historic land use (neighborhood auto storage/repair)  function--transportation--in a new form (neighborhood multimodal-sustainable transit access), thereby ensuring full historic integrity. In contrast, changes to other uses, such as residential, damage historical integrity by not maintaining the historic land use nor interior structure.

Because all of these buildings are already located in San Francisco's neighborhood's, they reserve a physical place in the neighborhood for the intermediate neighborhood-level transit centers required for a fully functioning multi-modal and sustainable transportation system. Because most, if not all of these historicist garages are likely identified by planning code as non-conforming uses, and in any case the Planning Code permits changes of use by right, San Francisco is at risk of losing not only the full historic integrity of the 150 or so remaining historicist garages, but their neighborhood-embedded location for a continued transportation use required by successful multi-modal and sustainable transportation system. San Francisco is poised to lose a valuable but as yet invisible land use asset because the Planning Code and planning is presently blind to this potential land use asset of an evolving sustainable economy and associated multi-modal transportation system. It does not have to be that way, but for the moment it is.

Slides - Elegant Pitstops Lecture


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