Coursera TechniCity On-line Course Announcement (May 2013)
March 31, 2013 at 09:36PM
Sustainability 2030 in Coursera, Education, Smart Cities, Technology, Urban Planning, smart cities

Join ex Planning Technology Division President and Professor Jennifer Evans-Cowley @EvansCowley) (Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Administration, Professor of City and Regional Planning, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University) in a new on-line course--TechniCity (click the link, review the class, register)--on smart cities and associated technology to be held in May. Learn not only about smart cities, but about on-line communication and teching technology itself as you particiapte in the on-line class.

Here is a recent e-mail reminder about the course:

Dear Scott Edmondson, AICP,

Happy April Fools Day! Thank you for registering for our Coursera course TechniCity. We're excited to get started.

The course will begin on Saturday May 4, and will run for four weeks. I'll send additional announcements as the day approaches.

In the meantime, I invite you to follow us on Twitter (@EvansCowley and @tomwsanchez. We'll use Twitter to communicate thoughts about technology, cities, MOOCs, and other topics, in addition to using the course mechanisms. We also have a LinkedIn group if you would like to network with others interested in technology and cities.

If you haven't already done so please complete the pre-course survey at We'll be using the results of this survey in preparing the class and will be sharing some of the results in our first week's lecture.

Technology is a rapidly growing in our cities. The increasing availability of networks, sensors and mobile technologies allows for new approaches to address the challenges that our cities face. The way we understand cities is undergoing sweeping transformation, right along with the analytical tools we use to design our cities and the communication tools we use to engage people. We developed this course to help in fostering a community of people who care about the future of our cities and have an interest in how technology can play a role in their future.

I encourage you to spread the word about the course to your friends and colleagues, using the hashtag #technicity. We already have more than 13,000 people registered for this course. Think we can beat that number? Send your friends and colleagues to TechniCity.

We look forward to our learning adventure.

We're off, ~Poof~
Jennifer Evans-Cowley (@EvansCowley)
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Administration
Professor of City and Regional Planning
College of Engineering, The Ohio State University

Tom Sanchez (@tomwsanchez)
Professor of Urban Affairs and Planning
College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Virginia Tech University

TechniCity Course Team

Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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