Only One Earth - Book Launch
June 1, 2012 at 06:57PM
Sustainability 2030 in History of sustainable development, Resorces - Books, Sustainability

Press Release:  With Rio+20 just two weeks away, I am excited to announce the release of Only One Earth, a new book that sheds light on where Rio fits on the path to sustainable development, written by Stakeholder Forum’s Executive Director, Felix Dodds, and Earthmedia’s Michael Strauss, with Maurice F. Strong, Secretary-General.

Only One Earth takes a retrospective look at successes and failures in the environmental movement in the last forty years, and a look ahead to what critically needs to happen at Rio+20 and beyond. This book offers recommendations that everyone concerned with the global collaboration process should know.

For more information and our press release, visit our site: 

Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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