Climate Change - Connecting the Dots (GENI)
April 23, 2012 at 08:16PM
Sustainability 2030 in Climate Change, GENI, Global Energy Network Institute

GENI-us Letter, Climate Change – Connecting the Dots, April 2012

North America 2012 has seen the warmest Spring ever – shifting the typical growing season by several weeks. The past few years have seen increasing numbers and strength of weather related events around the world. Meteorological (storms), hydrological (floods) and climatological (extreme temperatures, droughts, forest fires) events have all increased 2-3 times since 1980.

“The only plausible explanation for the rise in weather-related catastrophes is climate change.”Munch RE (world’s largest reinsurance company)

Carbon dioxide concentrations, the primary greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere have grown 20% since 1980 from our continued use of fossil fuels for primarily power production and transportation.

This graph of Natural Catastrophes Worldwide shows a clear increasing trend in each of these weather related events over 30 years -- causing deaths and billions in losses from property damage. As we’ve reported before, nature’s feedback loops are being impacted by these trends creating even greater consequences in the future.

, there’s an important global event coming Saturday May 5th –Connecting the Dots ... Climate Impacts Day.” It’s your opportunity to create or join a group in your community, learn more about the issues and how you can better mitigate and adapt to these changes. It will affect us all.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen
Peter Meisen

p.s. We will be hosting a San Diego Climate Impacts eventon May 5th. You are welcome to join us!

p.s.s. Visit our new facility.  Arrange to get a tour the next time you are in Southern California.  It’s worth the trip!

NOTE:  GENI, Global Energy Network Institute,
The Global Energy Network Institute focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decades ago. Linking renewables between nations will mollify conflicts, grow economies and increase the quality of life and health for all.  GENI PO Box 81565, San Diego, CA 92138 USA PM Dekker +1 619-595-0158


Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
See website for complete article licensing information.