World Resources Simulation Center
February 15, 2012 at 10:32PM
Sustainability 2030 in Buckminster Fuller, Sustainable Development, World game, comprehensive anticipatory design science

The World Resources Simulation Center (WRSC) is a large format visualization and simulation facility. As part of our ongoing research and development efforts, we are compiling an inventory of world resources to help analyze and assess historical and projected trends.

The WRSC is surrounded by twelve 7' x 7' screens.  This enables us to view and study best practices and solutions to current and anticipated problems: international, national, regional, and local simultaneously.

The WRSC is now available to businesses, institutions, non-profits and schools to reserve for a variety of events:  strategic planning, seminars, training and receptions.  To learn more about the many features offered, or to book the WRSC for your event, click here.

Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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