Sustainable Finance - Recognizing the Invisible Risk
September 17, 2011 at 03:31PM
Sustainability 2030 in Finance, risk, sustainability-related risk, sustainable finance

Gil Friend (CEO, Natural Logic) and Paul Herman (founder HIP Investment advisors) discuss the state of sustainable finance in an informal unscripted conversation this past May, 2011. Check out Gil's blog for a basic orientation and a few resources. The frame for the conversation is as follows: "The CFO "owns" risk -- and in most companies, the understanding of "sustainability-related risk" is conducted with incorrectly drawn boundaries and flawed analytic models, overlooks materially significant factors and hidden subsidies. If it is conducted at all. As a result, most companies will sub-optimize at best, leaving money on the table - and potentially violating fiduciary responsibility in the process - in completely avoidable ways.

Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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