Making Your Life Count
September 17, 2011 at 04:31PM
Sustainability 2030 in Gil Friend, Gill Friend, Jeffrey Hollender, Michael Kieschnick, Penelope Douglas, SOCAP, Sustainability Challenge
Listen to this conversation with game-changers at the 2011 plenary session of SOCAP11 (Social Capital Markets) conference. They share their perspectives on purpose, commitment and impact, and our future directions in the sustainability game. (45m video).
- Penelope Douglas is Senior Executive & President of the Board of Mission Hub LLC & Social Capital Markets, and former CEO of Pacific Community Ventures.
- Jeffrey Hollender is founder (and former CEO) of Seventh Generation and founder of the American Sustainable Business Council.
- Michael Kieschnick, is founder and president of Working Assets and Credo Mobile.
- Gil Friend, psident and CEO of Natural Logic Inc.
Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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