The Failure of Rational Choice Philosophy
June 20, 2011 at 10:12PM
Sustainability 2030 in Economics, individualism, rational choice theory

This is a great short article on the essential failing of rational choice philosophy, tracing it back, paradoxically, to a government funded program and the RAND Corporation. Who said that culture is not mutable?

Opinionator, NYT, June 19, 2011, John Mccumber

The Failure of Rational Choice Philosophy
This form of individualism [rational] did not arise by chance. Alex Abella’s “Soldiers of Reason” (2008) and S. M. Amadae’s “Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy” (2003) trace it to the RAND Corporation, the hyperinfluential Santa Monica, Calif., think tank, where it was born in 1951 as “rational choice theory.




Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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