Renewable Energy Economy - Time has Come?
May 13, 2011 at 05:35PM
Sustainability 2030 in Carbon, Climate Challenge, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Economy, Energy

Although steeped in pragmatism, and missing some of the larger vision and value, the recently released IPCC report on jump-starting a renewable energy economy is heartening.

The conclusions,

1) renewables could account for 80 percent of total energy use by 2050 and reduce GHG emissions by one-third (not enough, but. . . ),

2)  that the cost is expensive ($3-$12T between now and 2030, or $150-$600B/yr), BUT LESS THAN or equal to CURRENT OIL SUBSIDIES of $600B annually), which no one seems to mind;

3) that the transition is already underway;

are good news.

However, the larger point,

1) that this is really NOT a choice, but an essential requirement for survival and prosperity,

2) that the forecast scenario does not cut GHG's sufficiently,

3) that moving to a zero-carbon economy is the essential innovation strategy for inventing the only economic growth and development scenario capable of generating true prosperity, and

4) that the current BUA scenario is one of species suicide, not simply a somewhat lower quality of life,

only amplifies the message and urgency of the transition. Let's get on with it!

See: Taipei Times or IPCC.


Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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