Measuring the Green Economy
October 3, 2011 at 10:05PM
Sustainability 2030 in Economy, Green Jobs, green jobs, measuring

Preliminary Search

Google Search on Measuring the Green Economy, most docs are 2010 & 2011:
Dept. of Comm - New Report:
This exec summ of the Dept. of Comm report seems useful.
also, earlier draft, Measuring the green economy (april):
UNEP.  This report seems to be much more theoretically informed, but maybe less useful on the data side.
Brookings Institute: Methodological Appendix for Sizing the Clean Economy: A National and Regional Green Jobs Assessment
Free Library, The green economy: what does green mean?,
An Exploration of Green Job Policies, Theoretical Underpinnings, Measurement Approaches, and Job Growth Expectations,
Indiana Business Research Council  (what does green mean?) 
This report is excellent.
George Town University -- Green econ lit review
Innovating the Green Economy in CA Regions - this looks exceptional. Also, Karen Chappel was the principal investitgator.
The Green Economy Coalition.  This one might cross the line into "alternative" economics, but it's a useful grounding:
SAS A guide to measuring performance in a green economy.
Dual Citizen's The 1st Global Green Economy Index, A Project Measuring National Green Reputations.
The Role of Household Surveys in Measuring the Green Economy, International Seminar on Green Economy and Official Statistics Seoul, Republic of Korea 6-8 July 2011.
SIO Conference Preview: Measuring the Transition to a Green Economy,


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