Post-Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century’s Sustainability Crises
January 21, 2011 at 08:36PM
Sustainability 2030 in Sustainability Management, Sustainabilty Strategy, Sustainable Development, managing sustainability

Edited by Richard Heinberg and Daniel Lerch



Reuters, by Jim Jubelirer

A Primer for the Post-Carbon World

The Post Carbon Institute has gathered 29 of the world's leading experts to point the way to a more resilient, just, and sustainable world. The Post-Carbon Reader is a comprehensive, in-depth examination of the inter-connected sustainability crises humanity now faces.

Rather than just being a gloom and doom book representative of the genre, each author brings forth solutions and positive trends affected the issue about which they write.

It can be challenging to bear witness to the enormity of the challenges associated with providing food, water, and energy to a growing worldwide population. Sustainability advocates can veer towards pessimism and hopelessness in the face of so much discouraging news.

On the other hand, there are many smart and passionate communicators, policy analysts, futurists and activist remind us that positivity is a renewable resource; the mass transformation we are seeking will come from a positive view of the future, not from fear...

Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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