Green Procurement Toolkit
September 12, 2010 at 12:21PM
Sustainability 2030 in Business, procurement

California Sustainability Alliance

The California Sustainability Alliance, a market transformation programmanaged by Navigant Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: NCI), has released the Local Government Green Procurement Toolkit andGuide to assist local governments in adopting environmentally friendlyprocurement plans.

“Research shows that green products frequently cost no more than otherproducts but produce ongoing savings,” said Craig McDonald, ManagingDirector with Navigant Consulting’s Energy practice. “By weighing not onlythe purchase price of a product but also its lifecycle cost andsustainability, green procurement policies can help local governments save money, create local green jobs, and reduce their environmental footprint.”

The toolkit incorporates case studies of eight leading local governments inCalifornia and Washington. In addition, it outlines steps for greening procurement policies and includes a variety of resources such as:

* Draft policy language* Sample green bid specifications* Best practices from local, state and federal governments across the country* Information on eco-labeling and links to public and private eco‐labeling programs* Listings of environmental preferable products and vendors withrankings across 23 sustainability criteria* Sustainability case studies

While the toolkit and guide are tailored for local government applications,all organizations can benefit from the policies, processes, and practicalresources featured. 

The California Sustainability Alliance was designed to help meet the Stateof California's aggressive energy, climate and resource and environmentalgoals by increasing and accelerating energy efficiency in combination withcomplementary green measures and strategies. Founded in 2006, The California Sustainability Alliance is a program managed by Navigant Consulting,administered by Southern California Gas Co. (The Gas Company), and funded byCalifornia utility customers under the auspices of the California PublicUtilities Commission.

Article originally appeared on Strategic Regenerative Sustainability (
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