-----Original Message-----
From: jbarber@isforum.org [mailto:jbarber@isforum.org]
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 7:27 AM
To: citnet-news@citnet.org
Subject: [citnet-news] Launch of Citizens Guide to Sustainable Energy
October 11, 2008
Dear CitNet members and friends,
I am pleased to announce the launch of the first version of the Citizens
Guide to
Sustainable Energy, in conjunction with the Earth Charter Community Summits
on Climate
Change being held today across this and other countries (see www.citnet.org)
The Citizens Guide to Sustainable Energy is a website (part of the main
CitNet website)
focused on identifying resources and information about sustainable energy.
The Guide is a
tool for citizens to help inform and educate themselves about the impacts
alternatives to our current ways of producing and consuming energy.
This is the first of the 5-Step Citizens Action Plan on Climate and Energy.
The Guide is also a work-in-progress in which we welcome the suggestions
and ideas, and
support of the community of concerned citizens. This is just a beginning.
There are many
gaps to be filled, many more questions to be asked and answered in the
months ahead.
With your help, we will continue to build this tool we hope to be a useful
tool as we
examine the challenge and options now on the table.
So please visit www.citnet.org and let us know what you think and how we
can build and
improve this tool.
Jeffrey Barber
National Coordinator
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