Sharpening Community Sustainability Planning with a Strategic Approach -- Workshop (October 14, 2011) HOME Page
Co-Hosted (APA Northern Section): South Bay RAC & Sustainability Committee
This home page summarizes the workshop (Description) and provides Resources for follow-up use by participants and for initial use by those who did not take the workshop but are interested in a strategic approach (see below).
The workshop introduced a strategic sustainability planning framework and method. They were applied in a group exercise to see how developing a strategic action plan might enhance community sustainability planning.
The workshop was free for members, $10 for non-members. It was held from 8 AM – 12:30 PM at HMH (1570 Oakland Road, San Jose). HMH Consultants have served the Bay Area with planning, engineering, and design services for 35 years. The APA provided a light breakfast and HMH provided lunch--thank you HMH!
Click the link To log your CM credits (3.0).
The workshop presenters, Scott Edmondson, AICP and Katja Irvin, AICP ( or, appreciated the enthusiasm and creativity of the 40+ planning professionals who attended the workshop and made it a success.
A strategic approach to community sustainability planning increases creativity, sharpens focus, and amplifies effective action. Such an approach integrates current initiatives into a longer-term strategic framework and an on-going process of stakeholder engagement and innovation. A strategic approach does not dictate a particular path nor exclude the use of other approaches and tools, but it does harness them for greater effectiveness and ultimate success.
Follow up information and resources are listed below. In addition, post observations, comments or questions for wider response in the Discussion Forum.
Workshop Follow Up Resources Document, provides links and short discussion of a range of next-step resources, mostly no-cost. See also the list of references in the Resources Section at the end of the Presentation, Part 1 (see link below), pages 92-93.
Mock South Bay Community Strategic Sustainability Plan, refines and extends the results of the workshop exercise into a partial mock plan to illustrate how a strategic approach begins to differ from a traditional approach.
Bonus Resource: 30-minute recorded webinar on Planning for Sustainable Development--Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, (you sign on as a guest adding your name but don’t use the name "Guest," use your own - (No password is needed) and click the play arrow in the middle of the screen and it will play for you.) Go here for details.
Workshop Discussion Forum
Workshop Presentation:
Scott's Part 1 Documents:
- Lake Oswego Strategic Sustainability General Plan Update Handout
- Whistler 2020 - Home Page
- Whistler 2020 - iExplorer Indicators
- Whistler 2020 - Action Decision Assessment
- Whistler 2020 - Major Capital Project Assessement (PDF except Exmpl page)
- Whistler 2020 - Major Capital Project Assessement (Excel File, xls)
Katja's Part 2 Exercise PDFs:
Questions/Feedback: or