Advance, accelerate, and amplify an effective response to achieve sustainability success.
Because time has run out, launch an urban and regional demonstration project. Doing so will illuminate he key challenges needing deeper understanding and innovation. Pursuing that agenda of learning and development will generate effective responses. In turn, such an approach will create transferable knowledge within an expanding network of innovation practitioners that could scale fast enough globally to acheive sustainability success.
Sustainability 2030 (S2030) is a web-based think/do tank pursuing a work program of independent, non-partisan strategy, policy, and planning research and development.
S2030 creates and provides access to learning resources and services, develops training programs, provides advisory services, and undertakes path-breaking initiatives.
This work program helps people, organizations, businesses, communities, governments, and regions harness the power and potential of sustainability required for transformational success--creation of an ecologically regenerative/restorative/sustainable economy and society--within the limited time remaining for an effective response.