Mission. Advance, accelerate, and amplify an effective response to achieve sustainability success. Sustainability 2030 (S2030) is an independent research and practice initiative of Scott T. Edmondson, AICP, ISSP SA, dedicated to advancing a strategic regenerative sustainability approach that focuses the response on whole systems global sustainability success.
Because time has run out, launch an urban and regional demonstration project. Doing so will illuminate he key challenges needing deeper understanding and innovation. Pursuing that agenda of learning and development will generate effective responses. In turn, such an approach will create transferable knowledge within an expanding network of innovation practitioners that could scale fast enough globally to acheive sustainability success.
Sustainability 2030 (S2030) is an independent, non-partisan web-based think/do tank pursuing a work program of innovative and effecitve strategy, policy, and planning research and development.
S2030 creates and provides access to learning resources and services, develops training programs, provides advisory services, and undertakes path-breaking initiatives. It uses the demonstration projects next challenges to focus training, learning, research, and innoavtion.
This work program helps people, organizations, businesses, communities, governments, and regions harness the power and potential of sustainability required for transformational success--creation of an ecologically regenerative, restorative, sustainable economy and society in the biosphere--within the limited time remaining to mount an effective response.
S2030 is an independent research and practice organization dedicated to advancing the emerging integrative approach of strategic sustainability and promoting it and applying it in a contribution to humanity's larger bid to secure sustainability success before accelerating trends foreclose the opportunity forever.
In forging this strategic approach, S2030 builds on the powerful set of existing and evolving theories, approaches, tools, and applications. S2030 develops innovative and practical understanding and solutions that accelerate the biologically-based economic and community changes required for--and that contribute to--humanity's accelerating effort to avoid catastrophic climate change with a transition to the durable and higher levels of economic and community prosperity and security of the transition to a rengernative economy and society in the limited time remaining for an effective response.
S2030 addresses your needs for the useful information, skills, and tools of your best next step in the context of a larger strategy and on-going innovation requried to reach ultimate sustainability for your organization and global society.
S2030 is part of, and contributes to, an expanding international network of sustainability practitioners and initiatives with its strategic sustainability research, understanding, resources, training, advising, and initiatives. S2030 also serves a virtual community (the S2030 Network) of strategic sustainability learners and practitioners who find S2030's work particularly useful.
S2030 has found strategic sustainability to be inclusive and the most powerful way to sharpen sustainability planning and initiatives for success. We emphasize and specialize in strategic sustainability, and use The Natural Step's Framework for Strategic Sustainability (the FSSD) as a starting point for organizing understanding developing a common language among stakeholders, cultivating productive sustainability dialogue, framing a strategic approach for individual initiatives, integrating other sustainability frameworks and tools, and "getting on" with it.
More specifically, S2030's approach to strategic sustainability begins with the Brown-Friedmann-Senge synthesis to set the historic stage, the context, and the content of the unsustainability challenge and the sustainability opportunity for durable prosperity. It proceeds to The Natural Step (framework, success principles, backcasting, ABCD method, strategic prioritizing questions and action plan) as the powerful, inclusive starting point for strategic sustainability planning methodology. It then adds Natural Capitalism's four key implementation strategies. Finally, it adds the transformational potential and power of organizational learning as the foundational energy to activate the capacity and accelerate the innovation process.
We provide a variety of resources available free at this website to help improve sustainability policy analysis and planning for individuals, businesses, and communities at any scale of socio-spatial organization.We also provide some premium information, research, and advising services for a fee.
We are funded primarily through low cost premium services that address the common needs of sustainability learners, practitioners, and aspiring practitioners. It provides a core income stream. Other funding is provided through one-time research grants, training, advising, and consulting projects.
Our research and advising is among the most innovative available. It's focus is summary and synthesis, reframing and "connecting the dots" in new ways that illuminate the big-picture understanding that leads to break-through innovation for local and systemic problem resolving and transformation. It can help you:
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